Mar 9, 2009

I'm Famous!

I was on the Channel 11 news at 10 pm last weekend! I'm famous! How did that happen? Well, long story short. I'm taking a professional development class throughout this year and the head of this organization had to come into my classroom to make sure I was using the materials. After observing, she asked if the CH 11 News could come in and do a report....appearantly they had called her and said they were looking for a classroom teaching democracy. We were teaching the Preamble to the Constitution so I guess that's what they were looking for.
Here is the link to the newscast. I was having a HORRIBLE HAIR DAY and don't think I did well at all, but oh well. I guess I won't be waiting by the phone for Hollywood to call anytime soon! :)


suzspeaks said...

that is so cool! You look great!!

Alyssa said...

Cousin Jenny! You are famous!! Don't forget your oldest cousin when you make it to Hollywood. You did excellent and I thought your hair looked great!

April L. said...

That's so cool! I like your hair, too! I'm jealous of the technology you have in your room. I have a teacher computer, and that's it. It took me a few months into the school year just to get a VERY old overhead projector...and I'm at a brand new school. That's rural Georgia for ya'.

Jennifer said...

I thought you looked great! I just realized how little you actually post of yourself...

Staci said...

How cool!!!! I have a famous friend! ;)