Sep 3, 2009

Aching Heart

Tonight, I had the honor to go to a Celebration of Life for a sweet little four year old named Hannah. I first met Hannah a year ago when her older sister, Katie, was one of my fifth grade students. During Parent-Teacher Conferences in November, Katie's mom told me she would be traveling out of state for her younger daughter, Hannah. I asked a little about what was going on and little did I know that was the beginning of a year of prayer and thankfulness over this special little girl.

When Mrs. Kingsley was pregnant with Hannah, they discovered by ultrasounds that she had some heart defects. She wasn't suppose to live through birth, but that was the first miracle God performed in this little girl and families life. Hannah was born with Congestive Heart Failure and at just 8 days old she had her first heart surgery. The doctors told the Kingsley family that she would most likely need a heart transplant at some point in her life, and they were amazed she had even lived this long.

During her 4 years and 9 months of life, Hannah lived through 5 major surgeries and countless procedures. Just over a week ago, Hannah got sick and it began to turn into pneumonia. Her little heart finally gave out and she had congestive heart failure and passed away on August 28th. Although the family knew that each day was a blessing they weren't suppose to have with Hannah, they thought and hoped they would have many more years with her.

From the time I met Mrs. Kingsley a year ago, we have both been very open about our faith in the Lord. I have had numerous conversations with her and have prayed through the most recent surgery this past January for Hannah. The Kingsley family is, and has been, an incredible witness for the Lord. Little Hannah loved the Lord with all her heart and wasn't ashamed to tell people of the love of Jesus. Mr and Mrs. Kingsley have always thanked God for sharing HIS little Hannah with them for the 4 years they had, thanking Him for each added day. They have not been asking "why us" but, instead, have known that Hannah was HIS and they were blessed by her life and are thankful the Lord took her to be with Him, healthy and pain free.

My heart is aching tonight for the Kingsley family. As a mother, I can't imagine watching my child go through so many procedure and surgeries, many of which were very painful. I can't imagine watching my baby be sick and fragile. And I can't imagine saying my goodbye's for the last time on Earth. I came home tonight and just held my "baby" Preston and cried over him. I am so thankful for my two beautiful, healthy children.

Please join me in lifting the Kingsley family up in your prayers: Gary, Brenda, Meagan (19), Ryan (12), Katie (10) and Zachary (2). And if you have children, be sure to love on them and give them extra hugs and kisses.

May the Kingsley family continue to be a great witness for the Lord and an encouragement to you and I.


suzspeaks said...

I cannot imagine either... I'll be lifting them up!

Alyssa said...

Thanks for sharing their story.

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Jenny Rizer said...

Okay, appaerantly it's time to go private on my blog. I don't know who Jim and Sonia are, and I don't like that they're accessing and commenting on my blog. Grrrr....

Staci said...

Wow. I can't even imagine going thru that (nor do I ever want to)! We'll be praying.

P.S. Every once in awhile you might get "spam" commenting. The word verification helps cut that down. I doubt these people actually looked at your blog...they just comment to try to lead you to their website.