Jan 31, 2011

Reflections of 2010

Well, I guess it's time to face reality. I never sent out Christmas cards and our traditional family letter this year. Bummer. I had planned to. I had the best of intentions. But, I didn't. I'll blame it on going to Texas the first couple of weeks in December. That's when I normally get our pictures and letter together, but I was on vacation mode. Then we got home during the middle of the rush of the holidays, and well, here it is February! By this point, I would generally just skip it all together, but because I turn my blog into a book every year, I wanted to get something down on paper. As I reflect back over 2010, one word keeps coming to mind: change. This was the year of change for our family. As with all change, some was good, some was okay, and some was tough, almost unbearable. Here are the highlights: -Payton turned 2 in March....and with it came a BAD case of the terrible two's! -Darron's dad was diagnosed suddenly of stage 4 pancreatic cancer on April 1st -Darron became the sole partner in his Financial business overnight after finding out his dad was sick -Parker was born June 17th -At three weeks old, Parker spiked a high fever and was admitted to the hospital for a week -Darron enjoyed several trips, including one to Hawaii, with his family -Jen braved flying to Texas with all three kids and was successful -We said good-bye to Darron's dad August 31st as he went to be with the Lord -Jen quit her job at Trailside, took a 20% position with the school district to be home most of the time with the kids -Preston started pre-school four days a week -Preston turned 5 in December Amid all the change, we enjoyed a kidless trip to Las Vegas in Februrary for Jen's birthday and again in December for our 10 year wedding anniversary. We also enjoyed many weekends at the family cabin surrounded by Darron's family, along with a trip to Texas in December to visit Jen's family. Change is change. It's usually not easy. It's a big adjustment filled with mixed emotions. 2010 was a joyous year for us as we added sweet little Parker into our family, but it was hands down the toughest year in ten years of life together. Watching someone so dear and close become sick and pass on is something I don't ever want to experience again. But I know I will. And I know our marriage and our family will survive, and possibly even be stronger because of it. God is a good God. A perfect God. He never forsakes those who seek Him and He is always there when we are ready. God showed us many things during this year of change...the biggest is the realization at how blessed we are: with our marriage, our beautiful, healthy children, incredible and supportive friends, and close family members. Good-bye 2010. We are looking ready to climb the mountain in 2011 and continue to sing God's praises as we travel this road together. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to give you and hope and a future." Jer. 29:11

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

It does sound like a hard and yet joyous year. Bless you Jenny.