Sep 29, 2009

Out of the Mouth's of Babes

Just wanted to share a couple of the cute things the kids are saying.

We are blessed to spend lots of time with friends and their kids. When we leave, I generally say "Bye guys" while waving to all the kids. On Friday, we had been playing with our friends and I said my normal "Bye guys." While putting Payton in her carseat, she was excitedly waving and saying, "Bye duys, bye duys, bye duys!" So cute.....

Payton is also starting to mimick the way I sit on the floor to play with her, trying to lean on her hand exactly like I do. :)

Driving home yesterday, it got quite in the car for a moment. We were driving by some new hydroseeded grass and Preston said, "Mom, are they making grass all over the Urth (Earth)?" I explained that they had made this new road and were making the sides look pretty by planting grass. Another moment of silence, then, "Mom, why does God give them Urth a big dwink of water when the Urth doesn't have a mouth?"

I love the innocense of a child! :)

1 comment:

Chris and Merry said...

Your kids sound so cute! I miss you!!! I just started a blog but I have no idea how to do anything! I need help!