Dec 28, 2008


We had a great Christmas together as a family...can't you tell by Payton's face? Actually, this was two days after Christmas. She was SO tired from all the going and having fun. She grabbed her blanket (that she is way to attached to), put her fingers in her mouth (it's rare that her fingers are NOT in her mouth) and about feel asleep in the middle of the floor!
This is Payton with her Uncle Scott on Christmas Eve. She LOVES Uncle Scott. He gets to keep her twice a week when I work. They have a great bond and she squels when he leaves the room!

This was pretty much what Payton did all of Christmas while we opened presents. She was really into the stocking stuffers that were on the fire place, and her spilled cherrios...but not so much the presents or paper!

Preston had been asking Santa for a basketball hoop and a telescope since this summer. I guess he's been a good boy this year because Santa delivered! We've been shooting hoops together in his room the past few days! He's getting good at the slam dunk. :)

We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Eve with Darron's family at his parents' house. Payton was already sacked out in bed by the time we opened presents. Grandma and Grandpa got the three youngest (except Payton) an activity tray, coloring books, and a big pack of Nerds candy (thanks Grandma for that one)! The kids had a great time playing together and watching Polar Express. We even let the stay up until almost 11:00! We all had a great time with our gift exchange and playing cards. It was a great night together!

I bought Preston and Darron a Nerf Dart Gun Tag game to play together. It was really cool. It came with two vests that had targets on them, two dart guns, and these safety glasses. While Darron was getting it all out, Preston started putting on his gear. I grabbed a gun and shot at him. Appearantly I'm not the best aim and shot him in the neck. Well, although they are NERF guns, I guess they still hurt. Preston started crying and complaining that it hurt. I thought he was just being whimpy (nothing new here), so I tried to show him it didn't hurt by shooting Darron in the neck. After Darron complained that it hurt and I saw I big red whelp on his neck, I felt pretty bad! Needless to say, the Nerf Dart Tag didn't turn out to be a hit just yet, but as you can see, the glasses are still cool! Oh well, a mom can try! Maybe he'll give it a try in a few months....

On Christmas Eve, Santa came for a surprise visit at Grandma and Granpa's house! Santa (Uncle Scott) was a huge hit! Preston screamed as Santa walked in and ran right up to him! When Santa asked Preston what he wanted for Christmas, Preston answered, "Um, a dolly for Payton!" Ahhh, makes a mom proud! :) Santa gave each of the little kids a gift (there are 5 teenage cousins too). Although you can't tell in the picture, Payton was actually NOT scared by Santa. She sat in his lap just fine and played with a toy and his beard (she was close to pulling off the beard and revealing Uncle Scott). Santa went to put Payton down and we decided to have Preston sit on his lap again for the picture. Payton got mad that she didn't get to crawl around and was picked up again....that's the real reason she's crying!
We've enjoyed the past few days with family and friends. We've tried to keep the "reason for the season" in mind and we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas. We hope you too, have had a wonderful Christmas. Now, time to start losing all the Holiday Weight I've put on....
Be sure to check out the new post about Preston's birthday below...

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