Dec 22, 2010

Halloween 2010

I'm back! I've been gone from the blog world for awhile. Lots going on, and then you throw my laziness into the picture, and I end up MIA from blogging. But, I know I'll regret not having more in my printed blog books to look back on, and since I'm even worse at scrapbooking than I am blogging, I guess I better attempt to get caught up!
We had a great time "celebrating" Halloween. To be honest, I'm not a huge Halloween fan. I grew up wearing costumes, decorating the house, and trick-or-treating. And while I have nothing against dressing up and getting free candy :), I just don't like all the dark and scarey undertones of Halloween. So I like to think of it more as celebrating Fall and we decorate with lots of pumpkins and scarecrows...although I give in and let Darron put out a few of his Halloween-y decorations too.
Since our church didn't have a Fall Festival this year, we improvised. Several of our friends and their kids came to our house. There were 10 adults and 8 kids total....ages 5 to 4 months. We had dinner together and let the kids play for awhile. Then we suited up (it was COLD) and headed out for some trick-or-treating.
Here is Payton, the Pirate Princess. :)Our friend Brad planned some very fun games for adults and kids to play together. This is Marquel, gracefully wearing a stocking and trying to beat my time in knocking over bottles. I won! :)

Preston, Payton and I had fun digging out our pumpkins and getting them ready for Darron to carve. I think I've almost perfected my roasting seeds recipe...they were YUMMY!

After the kids were tired and winding down, we put on a movie in the other room and let them have some down time. Then the adult fun began! Brad divided us into two teams and gave us a bag full of random supplies. We had 20 minutes to dress one team member in a costume. The kids voted on the costume they liked the most. I think it was a tie! :)
Darron and Brad sported some great looks!
And here is my Parker boy! He was a clown! :) He and I stayed home during the trick-or-treating and enjoyed visiting with Kimi and Marta as they stayed to keep us company. Parker seemed to love all of the attention he got that night with so many friends holding him!
Becca sporting the hose and trying her best to beat my time! Nope Becca, that title is ALL MINE BABY!! :)
Payton getting in on the games too!
I can't believe I didn't take any more pictures than this! I was so busy having fun and taking care of kids, I just didn't get many pictures. Kimi got a great picture of all the kids in their costumes before trick-or-treating. I'll have to get a copy. And poor Preston didn't even make the pictures! He was a cute little Iron Man, plastic mask and all! :)

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