Aug 26, 2011

Welcome to Kindergarten!

I can't believe my "baby" boy is starting school! You don't really realize how little they still are until you send them away to be on their own in a big school for the first time! Luckily, Preston is going to Grace Christian School and they had the option for half-day kindergarten, so that's what we chose. So, he goes to school from 11:45-2:45 every day. He wishes he went all day, but I figured starting next year he would go to school all day for the next twelve I might as well hold him close for as long as I can!

The pictures are out of order, but this is how we celebrated a successful first icee and popcorn at Target! :)

Preston and his best bed/cousin Max are in the same class. They also went to Preschool together. These boys are unseperable. Thankfully, they are good boys, even together, so the teacher enjoys having them! And they tend to be helpers too! I love these boys!
Preston was so excited before I took him to school. He had his back pack on and ready to go, giving Parker boy a little loving and assuring him he would be back after school.

And here is my big boy, all smiles, ready to embrace the first day!
He wasn't nervous at all! I'm so proud of him!

Payton was excited to get to walk Preston into his class. She wanted to be in his pictures. They are so silly together....when they're not fighting!

I am so thankful God led us in the direction of Grace Christian School. I NEVER intended to put my kids in a private school, after all, I'm a public school teacher! But God speaks to those who listen, and sometimes he SHOUTS to make sure He is heard! :) And I'm so thankful I finally heard Him!

Preston is loving school. He gets to see several of our good friends who teach at the school, as well as his cousin Brookelynn throughout the day. He comes home smiling and excited every day. Parker naps while Pres is in school, and that leaves Payton and I to have a few hours of alone time together. It's the perfect situaion for all of us!

Cheers to a great start to a great school year!

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