Sep 2, 2008

A Huge Milestone

I think we FINALLY did it! I think my "little man" is finally potty-trained....or at least well on his way! I have been trying for several months to get Preston potty-trained. He was excited to sit on his little potty and would sit on it alot when I was in the bathroom. He never seemed to mind "trying," but not much would happen. Every now and then he would have success on the potty, but not often. Then he decided he liked diapers and didn't have much to do with the potty. I tried not to push it, just offer it as a suggestion every few days or weeks. On Sunday, I asked Pres if he wanted to wear a diaper and peepee in it, or a big boy pull-up and use the big potty. He opted for the pull-up. While I didn't have my hopes up, I was secretly praying that maybe this would be the day. And the Lord blessed us! As of Sunday, Preston is using the big potty all the time. He had one accident on Sunday, and had to pee in his pull-up while we were on a walk yesterday. Other than that, he has made it to the big potty every time! He was having breakfast at Village Inn with his aunts this morning and told Aunt "T" he "could feel his peepee coming." She had her son with her, and was feeding Payton at the same time. Not sure what to do, she told Preston that is was okay to just pee in his pull-up. He told her he couldn't! He ended up having to use the pull-up, but I was so proud of him for not wanting too!

Tonight, we had to run some errands. I knew we would be in the car for awhile so I tried to get Preston to wear a pull-up, but he insisted on his boxer briefs that he had been wearing. So I decided to bite the bullet and let him. We were in the car for about an hour and two different times he told me his "peepee is coming." He managed to hold it until I could pull into the back of a parking lot, unbuckle him, and get his pants down. THen he learned what it was like to pee "like a man" outside. He thought it was so funny! I was beyond proud of him for not having any accidents our first time out in big boy underwear!!

He let me take these pictures of him to show off his big boy underwear and him using the big potty. After a few trials, we decided it was easier to set him backwards on the big potty so he can take care of business without making such a mess! So this picture is a little deceiving! :)

I feel like such a proud mommy!! :) Everytime he uses the bathroom, I say, "I am So proud of you Preston!" and his general response is "Thanks mommy! I am SO proud of you too!"


suzspeaks said...

I love his response to you!! congratulations! Jax used to sit backwards he is tall enough to stand and sit correctly...he's getting so big!
Enjoy spending less on diapers!!

Anonymous said...

Once again, I am jealous of you! I tried to potty train Annie about a month ago, and she did good for a day. Now she refuses to sit on the potty. Every now and then I just ask her if she wants to sit on the potty, and she always says "NO!". Hopefully she will come around in about 6 months! I love the response too! What a sweet big boy you have! :) Merry

Ledbetter Fam said...

So fun! That is one of the best feelings! Knowing that they are potty trained. Way to go, Preston.


Amy said...

I'm so jealous! I found those little boxer briefs, too. I think they're cute and hilarious! What do you think about your gov as VP? I'd love to hear your thoughts in a post!